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Charitable Giving

Given to Date: $1400

Beginning in earnest in 2023, the Spackler Cup has begun to donate what we are able to charitable organizations based in Wisconsin. Currently, the charity sponsored is the Children's Cancer Family Foundation of Northeast Wisconsin (CCFF). In our first year, CCFF received a donation of $500 from The Spackler Cup with hopes to build on that total and then some moving forward into 2024 and beyond.


Our golf group's donation is given to the CCFF through the Norbert Gossens' Annual Memorial Walleye Fishing Tournament run by Sam and Kristin Pociask. Their tremendous efforts to lead this charitable task through their fishing tournament was the inspiration behind the Spackler Cup's jump into fundraising. While the Cup is not registered as a non-profit, the fishing tournament is, and it is through the fishing tournament that our charitable proceeds are given to the CCFF.


The Norbert Gossens' Annual Memorial Walleye Fishing Tournament has been a leader in private fundraising for charitable causes, to date providing $145,000 toward those causes. As a simple group of golfers who meet once a year to play our event, we are humbled to be able to chip in what we can toward the charity of choice of the Gossens' Fishing Tournament.



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